simple • 1 hour per day • unambiguous
After 3 Years Found the Best FTMO Strategy
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Welcome to my trading course!
Let’s get right into the important stuff.
I’ve been studying trading since 2019. I know that everybody says they study hard but I’m a little bit different. I literarilly go 112% when I study something. To give you an idea, at school I always studied more as I wanted to be better than my teachers. Many of them called me a genius. I basically always wanna understand everything and be really the best. E.g. if there’s a Youtube channel about a trading strategy and has 100 hours of videos, I simply go and watch every single video and finish it in about 2 weeks. If I want to buy a t-shirt in a shoppping center, I really need to go and look in every single store even though I’m pretty sure that some stores will not impress me.
Now imagine how much energy I put to studying trading – something that I decided to be the real gamechanger for me to get me on the next financial level. I’m an expert in creating programs, automation, coding websites, graphic, etc. I naturally started creating trading bots – long story short I finally created one that gives good results in the long run but I wanted to really learn manual trading. So I studied all the strategies, indicators, etc., and you already know that I really mean a lot of them. However, I found out pretty soon that most people who earn money in trading actually don’t use indicators. I found out that it’s really the same like in any other area – simplicity is the key as only this way you can laser-focus on something and work on improving it. And as the saying goes: What you can measure, you can improve.
To be honest, I was really surprised how long it took me to finally become a consistently profitable trader. Now I completely understand the statistics that say that children out-perform adults, and usually people who used to excell in different areas in their life have the hardest time to figure out the trading game. As you can see on my Instagram, this year in February I finally found out the missing piece to my success in trading. I passed the 10k FTMO challenge and even started to do live streams on Youtube recently, where you can see how I trade my funded account and trade with me.
Why did I create and sell a trading course if I can already earn money from the market?
This is the first question I had myself about other traders, but now I understand. Everybody wants as many income streams as possible. However it’s actually crucial for your success too. Trust me, you would never dedicate as much attention, importance and time to it if you had it for free. Is it worth it to buy my course? Having studied hundreds of different traders’ courses and strategies, I can tell you that noone focuses on the most important thing to really make you profitable. The thing is that all those strategies are profitable. You could even be profitable if you flipped a coin to decide if you Buy or Sell, and then made sure that your RRR (Risk to Reward Ratio) is at least 1:2.
The problem why you struggle and feel a need to change strategies has 2 reasons:
1.) You don’t have a simple enough trading strategy that is REALLY easy to follow and has no ambiguity – it either presents itself and you are allowed to place a trade, or not and then you simply MUST NOT trade. A good strategy has to be time specific and efficient. E.g. trade only from 3 am till 4 am NY Time.
2.) Nobody has answered the most important questions for you, questions that you consciously don’t even realize that you have.
In this course, I provide you with both. You will no longer FEEL A NEED to run around from one Forex pair to another, from chart to chart through the whole day, chasing candles and wasting money and time. You will no longer run around like a chicken without a head. You will finally enter the world of the professional trading by mastering one simple strategy – my strategy. Once you enroll, you can ask me any questions. I’m here to help you. I really mean it. I really wanna help you! I still have it fresh in my mind how desperate I would feel that despite studying and demo trading literarily over 15 hours a day, I still just couldn’t figure it out and just blew accounts in the long run. My course is LITERARILY DESIGNED to make sure you SAVE these 3 years and go directly to the master trader stage. I will guide you so that you don’t stray away from the path. Trust me, now after I’ve been through all this, I’m completely sure that if I only had a personal mentor that would explain these things to me, I would be profitable within a few months instead of 3 years of so much study!
Why is My Strategy The Best Strategy?
After so much of studying and backtesting and forwardtesting I can say what the best strategy should look like. My strategy does fullfill all these points:
- Simple and easy to follow without doubts or ambiguity
- Time specific – Exact hour of the day, so you can plan other activities with precision
- Quick – time is your most valuable asset – you don’t want to waste it by staring at the boring charts more than an hour per day.
- Repeatable – you want to be able to find a trade everyday
- Precise TP & SL – this way you avoid psychological struggles and confusion about if you should Take Profit or not; where your Stop Loss should be; and when exactly to put your Stop Loss to Breakeven. To become a master trader, you need to have 0 doubts about your trade management. Thanks to my deep analysis of all TP, SL and SL-to-BE scenarios that you’ll have access to in my course, you’ll have no stress. You will completely understand why my strategy and trade management are the best.
- Best for Psychology – you have probably heard that psychology can be up to 80% of your success in trading. All the points mentioned above help keep your psychological struggles like doubts, indecision, impatience and emotions under control to make sure that you will NEVER flip to a gambling mode ever again!
- High WIN rate – My strategy has around 90% WIN rate with 1.5 RRR. I know that many profitable traders don’t have a high WIN rate, but I found out it’s pretty important. If you are working on a funded account challenge you don’t want to risk starting at an unfavorable time of the month and have a losing streak. In such challenges, you normally risk 1-2% of your balance. Even if you are disciplined with your strategy, you can still lose the account for 3 reasons:
—-> 1st: You need to count in the spread, slippage, some small mistakes, a little stretched SL and you realize that it takes only about 5 losing trades to fail the challenge. That’s because they usually allow a max. equity drawdown of 10%.
—-> 2nd: There can be days when you simply cannot trade, for example you get sick, or forget to setup an alarm, or the alarm malfunctions, or you set it wrong, or you turn it off while half-sleeping, or you just don’t hear it at all as you went to sleep too late and were very tired. When you have a strategy that relies on some special days with a long run to gather many pips, missing one of these trades would mean you lost the whole challenge. In my course you’ll have access to my spreadsheet with all the deep analysis of different scenarios and combinations, and you’ll have no doubt why you need to use my strategy.
—-> 3rd: Consistency is the key to a long term success. The most important thing to become a master trader is a strong discipline. The only way how you achieve this discipline is by the acquired confidence in your trading strategy. And this comes from a high WIN rate with a minimum 1:1 RRR.
Remember, these important facts:
- “If you can measure it, you can improve it”.
- “If you do one thing every day, it’s IMPOSIBLE not to improve”. As Bruce Lee said: “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who had practiced one kick 10,000 times”
- Bible: “Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.” Proverbs 13:11
A mentor really cuts the learning time by at least 5 times. Actually, most people will never make it without a mentor. If I went back in time and gave myself this trading course 3 years ago, I would have no longer opened any of my random gamble trades, taken premature profits, jumped to trades too soon, been scared of losses or regretted some missed trades. NOW, I THINK THE FOLLOWING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FACT IN TRADING: —>>> If you have the right information, these things really just don’t even come to your mind! Instead you just happily and patiently wait for your trading hour and candle structures formation. Because it happens practically everyday. Even if you are impatient by nature like me, you will be satisfied with my strategy. This is the only way how you can follow any strategy – if you in your heart really KNOW this information. My course is exactly designed so that you have no doubts and don’t want to jump to another strategy anymore – that is the key to success!
You already wasted too much time, STOP it right this minute! Scroll up and get my course now and be my next story of a person who achieved financial freedom within 3 months!
To your success your #1 fan,
Magnus Bestest
So what exactly do I bring to the table?
Here’s what you gonna get..
Suitable Even For Beginners
My first topic covers everything you need around the markets, so that you understand my trading strategy.
You’ll get my simple, 1 hour per day, unambigious strategy with precise TP, SL and SL-to-BE levels
Secrets Why Others Fail
In the third topic of my course, you’ll be shown what I came to realize are the biggest problems why over 90% of traders fail.
Trade Examples
A gallery of many of my trades so that you get a turbo-start with your success having the trade scenarios already in your head.
You’ll get access to my modified scripts that I use to enter and exit the markets in miliseconds. One indicator makes your trendlines alert you when the price hits them… another one very conveniently and graphically calculates the lot size you need if you risk certain percentage. All that with you just drag-dropping the SL or TP line.
My Supervision & Mentoring
To be honest this is something nobody does and alone is worth the price of the whole course. I can still do that as I don’t have that many clients yet so it’s possible for me to answer your questions, etc. Hurry before my courses get saturated.